About Me
For over 13 years, I’ve been a Content Creator at LimeSoda. More then 15 years on YouTube, and yes, now you’ll find me on TikTok too. I also speak at universities on online marketing.
Underrated visionary. ADHD power-user. Peaktime-Techno DJ by Night.
After several unsuccessful attempts in the late ’90s to join a boy band or write a bestseller about a detective on wheels, I discovered YouTube and the wonders of thevideo on the internet in 2008.
Since then, social media, online marketing, and especially video content have been my playground. I’ve run campaigns for major companies, crafted hundreds of Facebook and Instagram posts, and collaborated on countless YouTube projects. I also help small businesses with branding and web design.
But I don’t just do it—I talk about it, too! Whether it’s at the University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt and Steyr, in workshops, or speaking engagements—if it’s about online marketing, personal branding, or content production, I’m your person.
And when it comes to hosting events, I’m pretty good with a mic as well.
Blog from back in the days

Wer ist Richard Haderer?
1980 geboren hat sich schnell gezeigt, dass in mir eine extrovertierte Persönlichkeit steckt. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass ich 2009 auch YouTube für mich entdeckt habe...

Mit dem #3Schalttag etwas von der Bucketlist streichen…

Der Blogger ist tot

Büro2go – Das Hosentaschenbüro

Das Techno Orchester

Ab ins Paradies
